Business Insider

A woman eased herself into exercising and healthy eating and lost 55 pounds. That gave her the foundation she needed to lose another 50lbs on Wegovy healthily.

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When Jessica Coletti’s 3-year-old son Vincent lost his usual pep last month, she worried that something was really wrong.

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The Washington Post

Researchers have found a treatment that works on some patients and, more importantly, a tool that can predict when it is likely to succeed.

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Financial Times

High costs and concerns over efficacy and side effects limit uptake of first treatment as another nears approval

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The Washington Post

The researchers found that ADHD was more prevalent among boys than girls and that those 12 and older were more likely to be diagnosed than were those younger than 12.

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Fox News

Experts warn that toddler milk might not have the benefits that marketers claim even as this milk has become a huge worldwide business. Here is nutrition insight from all sides.

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Fox News

After 17 years of serving his country, Mark Kelm of Minnesota is now providing a different type of service: advocating for others who, like him, have Parkinson’s disease. Kelm shared his story.

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Penn State researchers may have uncovered another layer of complexity in the mystery of how diet impacts aging. A recent study conducted by the College of Health and Human Development at Penn State explored the effects of caloric restriction on telomeres—segm…

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Press Herald

Greater Portland Health's medication-assisted treatment program offers shelter guests access to Suboxone in an effort to treat addiction and reduce deadly overdoses.

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BBC News

Lee Turton was just two years old when he was given infected blood to treat his haemophilia.

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Under pressure from scientists to share more data on the H5N1 avian flu outbreaks in dairy cows, the USDA uploaded 239 genetic sequences of the virus.

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New research reveals that the process of remembering something long-term comes at a cost – specifically, inflammation in the brain and DNA damage in nerve cells, as the memories get 'fused' into neurons and stored.

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Trinidad & Tobago Express Newspapers

ENDOMETRIOSIS affects one in ten women in Trinidad and Tobago. However many teenagers and women with “endo” have never even heard of the medical condition and continue to suffer in

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Fox News

As your weekend continues and you look to the week ahead, check out some of the top recent stories in Health that you may have missed, or have been meaning to check out.

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The Times of India

Here are the healthiest nuts that shrink the waist and help you lose weight.

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A new organ was discovered in the human body by scientists researching prostate cancer

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